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How I solved programmatically updating window.location from a child element in a subroute using events and app-route

untitled <app-route> I was having trouble figureing out how to programaticlly change window.location from a nested child element. In my case I wanted to send up a uri from dropdown. The `select-item` property was bound to `location`, and `location` had an observer `_updateLocation`. < x -dropdown selected-item = {{location}} ></ x -dropdown > location : { type : Object , observer : ' _updateLocation ' } I could have set `notify:true` on `location`, but then I would have to pass it up the chain. Instead I decided to use an event. _updateLocation : function ( item ){ this . fire ( ' update-location-request ' , { uri : location . link }) } On the element that contians the `app-location` I set up a property called `location` ,it also has an `observer:'_updateLocation'` (these don't have to be named the same

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